Advanced Air Mobility News

Aura Aero Unveils Final ERA Design, Delays Service Entry Target

Aura Aero Unveils Final ERA Design, Delays Service Entry Target

Aura Aero has delayed the service entry target of its 19-seater hybrid Electric Regional Aircraft (ERA) by a year to 2028. 

The French start-up had previously set 2027 as its service entry goal. The company also pushed back its first flight from 2024 to 2026. 

Aura unveiled the final design of the ERA at an event in Toulouse on May 12, 2023. The major changes to the aircraft include shifting from six electric motors to eight and switching from a U-tail to a T-tail configuration. 

Mattia Padulo, the firm’s chief technology officer, described the adjustments as “a solution more integrated with the aerodynamics of the aircraft”.

He added that the ERA will be a commuter-class aircraft that falls under Europe’s CS-23 classification. Padulo said there are no intentions to move into the CS-25 category as it would result in a “much more complicated regulatory framework” and a “bigger burden” from a battery standpoint.

Jeremy Caussade, Aura’s co-founder and chief engineer, said the company has “a clear view of what we have to do” going forward.

He added that a “precise” roadmap is needed to better understand the costs the company will incur in the lead-up to increasing production. 

“The goal for us is to come [to market] as soon as possible with a solid value proposition,” he said, adding that the aim is to have the ERA in service by 2030. 

Aura’s ERA will be capable of flying 200 nautical miles (370 km) at a hybrid cruise speed of 250 knots (463 kph). 

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